Thursday, February 15, 2007

Pushy bastards

So in my dealings with Chinese people so far, I’ve learned two things:

One is that in a crowded area, like a market place or sidewalk or ANYWHERE, Chinese people are jerks! Bicyclists try to maneuver through people as if they were on foot, taxis drive as if they were bicycles, buses drive as if they were taxis, and pedestrians don’t seem to understand the concept of the personal bubble.*

Typically when a walkway is bustling with pedestrian traffic, if you see someone headed towards you, social etiquette would stipulate that the two opposing walkers each politely turn their shoulders as they pass so as to avoid contact with the other. This way, both sides accommodate the other just a little bit... clearly not the case here. Walking down the street is something between a game of bumper cars (minus the cars) and human chicken (if you’re the one the changes course you’ve clearly dishonored yourself and your ancestors.) At first I tried to be polite when walking along a street and avoid clipping people as they’re walking towards me. But after being run into by everyone walking along a sidewalk, I’m done with that. Bring it on, bitches!! It doesn’t matter who’s in my way; businessmen, school children, the elderly, I’m stampeding them all down!

I could do it to. Because as I’ve also noticed something in my short time here: Chinese people are tiny! On a crowded street I can easily see the tops of everyone’s head. I feel like a regular human walking in a world of hobbits… pushy, rude ass hobbits…
On a lighter, Valentine’s Day related note, I was walking in a shopping center on Nanjing Road, and I see a giant line in front of a restaurant. A bunch of young, college aged couples all had reservation tickets and had clearly planned in advanced a very romantic night that would begin with dinner at this place. I had to see what establishment was drawing in such a crowd. Turns out, it was a Pizza Hut!! I don’t’ understand how any pleasant evening can contain the words Pizza and Hut in them. But I guess the Hut must make some pretty sexy pizza…

Top left: Taco Bell's aren't just big in China, they're grande...
Top right: Random shopping area full of pushy bastards
Bottom left: A good view of the Marriott, looks like it should be the headquarters of an evil corporation rather than a hotel
Bottom right: Not sure what it is, but I'd like to think it's a shrine to Asian tourists all over the world. Keep reaching for that camera my traveling amigos...

*For those of you who never attended Springridge Elementary School (Go Eagles!), the personal bubble is an invisible one foot bubble that encompasses all people and should never be encroached upon, especially when walking in a line on a field trip or to the cafeteria on chicken nugget day.


Anonymous said...

Haha, welcome to China. Be sure to push or you'll never make it anywhere.

- Jonathan
(the one in Hong Kong)

Anonymous said...

So the first weekend I'm in France I go with a group of friends to Paris... we shop a bit and then head to Les Halles (the eating capital of Paris... which we might say is the eating capital of the world). I am hungry and excited for my first parisian meal and where do they want to go (and by want i mean INSIST)... you guessed it. The Pizza Hut. So we wait in line forever to eat overpriced "american" food that I woundn't even eat in America!


Mike said...

"I feel like a regular human walking in a world of hobbits… pushy, rude ass hobbits…" -- that's hilarious

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to bowl over Chinese people with you.

PS - At Maple East Elementary, we called that bubble the "Kinosphere." Yeah, we were that smart.

Terri said...

you need some pictures of yourself next to these tiny hobbits.