Thursday, February 22, 2007


Finally got internet in my dorm! My Chinese roommate is supposed to get in tonight. It's pretty fun here though I haven't had a chance to go out and see the city. The flight in from Shanghai was freakin horrendous...

There was heavy fog in Shanghai so my original flight was canceled, I managed to find a seat on this crowded ass flight that was suppose to take off around 5 pm… the shit didn’t leave until midnight. But that’s fine, I was lucky just to get a flight that day right? Well we were halfway to Beijing the plane decides it just didn’t spend enough time waiting in Shanghai and turned back around. (Actually it was just still too foggy in Beijing) About two minutes after we landed back in Shanghai, weather conditions in Beijing clear up and we’re set to take off again. So instead of getting into Beijing and meeting the rest of my group at the airport at 9 pm, I didn’t get into the city until 4 in the f’ing morning and into my dorm until 6… brilliant start to my Beijing experience.

I’ve been getting a chance to hang out with my other CET classmates. Apparently we’re a smaller class this semester but I think that it works out better since we all seem to get along pretty well. Our bonding consists mostly of going to Wu-Mart (the Chinese knockoff of Walmart) and lighting fireworks while drinking. Beer is ridiculously cheap in this country (by volume it’s actually cheaper than bottled water) and the fireworks are everywhere. Combine those two things and you get instant fun!

I’ll try to get some pictures this weekend when we all go out with our new roommates.

I love crappy Chinese wine! Note the label: “Constantly drinking this wine is good to your health.” Well if the Chinese are saying it, its got to be right!


Alissa said...

glad you made it safely to beijing! the friends i met from singapore were supposed to go to beijing too but they werent able to get a flight that day because of the fog. have fun!

Julia said...

Nice wine label

Terri said...

"produce of china"

love it.

Anonymous said...

im glad you made it.
now come back already!

LJS12 said...

avoid the whiskey!! ;)