Sunday, March 11, 2007

Lazy weekend in Beijing

Most of the group went to Shanghai this weekend. I most definitely would have gone, but ironically it’s the one weekend my sis had to come up to Beijing for business. But no biggy since I got to stay with her at her hotel instead of at the dorms. Soaking in the tub without a care in the world rather than showering in flip-flops for fear of athlete’s foot. Comfortably sprawling out on a goose down bed rather than sleeping on a cot size single that is old enough to have been used in the Korean war…

So we’ve got this weekly tradition going were all of us head over to Club Propaganda every Wednesday night for their 70 kuai all you can drink special. Maybe it’s the distance away from home or the ridiculously cheap drinks, but every time we’ve been, the girls in the group have gone wild! It’s all hilarious fun and games until someone has to vomit. There are a couple of pictures from Propaganda nights below… pre-puking.

My Chinese has been gradually improving. Though I still can’t understand what the cab drivers are saying when they yell at me, but I don’t think anyone really does. If my time in Beijing were like an episode of the Simpsons, the cab drivers would be the Crazy Cat Lady no one understands.

I got to go on a bike ride through some parts of Beijing this weekend. It was actually sunny outside but the wind was biting. I think I need to get out and see more of the random sights. Partly for the educational experience, but mostly because tend to take afternoon naps if I don’t get out of my dorm room. I feel like I’m just sleeping away my time here.

Couple of pictures from the first weekend here.
Left: Apparently cars and buses don't stop for fireworks on the street.
Right: They also don't stop for people on the street holding fireworks.

Left: Joey on the dance floor. Yes I see that really hot blonde on the left, that's actually why I took this picture.
Center: Vicki and one of the J-girls. Sharon in the background.
Right: Sharon, Woodson, and my drunk ass at Paul van Dyk

Oh Japanese Fro-man, I don't know what you do, or why you were on NHK this weekend, but you sir have inspired my next look...

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